Knitting and Crochet Tools

Row Counter offers a variety of practical tools to simplify pattern adjustments of your knitting or crochet project. Use the tool section online or in the mobile app

Swatch Adapter

Your yarn gauge doesn't match your pattern's swatch?
With this tool you can calculate the precise rows and stitches you need to replicate your knitting or crochet pattern's size flawlessly with your yarn. 
Available online and in the mobile app.

Pattern Swatch

Most patterns recommend a specific yarn to use. Use the adapter to convert instructions if your swatch differs from the one given in your pattern. Put in first the swatch gauge the pattern uses. 

Example: Your pattern swatch measures 15 stitches and 10 rows to make a 10x10 cm square.

Your swatch

Put in the swatch gauge from the yarn that you are using or from the swatch you made before you started your pattern.

Example: You made a swatch with a different yarn or you craft with different tension so your 10x10 square has 14 stitches and 8 rows.

Convert instructions

Put in the rows and/or stitches of your pattern instructions to convert to your yarn. This way your finished item turns out with the correct measurements.

Example: The pattern asks to knit 30 stitches in across 15 rows. To reach the same width and length you have to make 28 stitches and 12 rows.

Yarn Converter

Are you using a different yarn for your project than in your knitting or crochet pattern?
This tool calculates the precise amount of your yarn needed to match your pattern, saving you time and money.
Available online and in the mobile app.

Units Converter

Are you following a knitting or crochet pattern with foreign measurements? With this tool you can quickly convert units from meters, centimeters, yards and inches into your desired unit. 
Available online and in the mobile app.

Needles and Wool Sizes

Are the needle and wool sizes in your knitting or crochet pattern given in foreign terms? With this tool you can convert knitting needle, crochet hook, and wool sizes quickly from metric system to UK or US sizes and vice versa. 
Available online and in the mobile app.

Distribute Increases/Decreases

Are you trying to spread your increases or decreases evenly on a row?
This tool helps you distribute increases and decreases in knitting and crochet and gives you a visual aid of how to start your next row.
Available online and in the mobile app.

Calculate increases/decreases

Put in first the current number of stitches, then the desired number of stitches. The tool will calculate how to spread increases or decreases in the next row to reach the desired number of stitches. After tapping "ok" you can also check the box to center inc/dec better.

Increase/decrease instructions

Depending on the scheme to make inc/dec the tool will show you instructions.

Example: Decrease from 38 stitches to 29 stitches. Follow the instructions. Brackets indicate to repeat a sequence.

Visual aid

In some cases, the tool will show you a visual aid. Repeat the instructions until end of row.

Example: Increase from 38 stitches to 57.
Start with two stitches (blue) then increase (red). Repeat until end. 

Create Custom Charts

Create charts from scratch or image for your knitting or crochet stitch pattern, colorwork, tapestry and more! With the charts tool in the tool section of the app you can design charts easily by choosing from many premade colors and symbols or making your own. Check your design with the preview and import your chart to a project to start knitting/crocheting!
Available only in the mobile app.