As crafters, we often create with the intention of making something long-lasting (since we spend hours and hours on it), but there are many more ways to craft with greater awareness of our environment and sustainability. Knitting and crochet can be both creative and sustainable by incorporating eco-friendly materials, minimizing waste, and making mindful crafting decisions. Here’s how you can make your projects greener while still enjoying your favorite hobby.
One of the best ways to ensure your knitting and crochet are eco-friendly is by using sustainable yarns and materials. Unraveling an old sweater is a cost-effective way to give it a new life, but there are also some other options to consider when deciding on materials or buying new yarns:
Reducing waste doesn’t mean sacrificing creativity! There are lots of projects that are fun to make and can help reducing waste, are a great substitute for a one-time-use item or something made out of plastic. Here are some creative and practical projects that make the most of every bit of yarn:
Explore free patterns, use highlighter and annotation features, keep track of your rows with
multiple counters and import patterns from any source.