Row Counter Web

Knitting & Crochet Counter
on Your Computer

Keep track of your Rows while you knit or crochet 
Follow several project simultaneously
Import your pattern from a PDF
Various knitting tools...

Row Counter

Use multiple counters, work mistake free!

Unlimited number of counters

Add secondary counters to follow your knitting or crochet increases, pattern repeats...

Pattern Import

Import your pattern to have it next to your counters while you are knitting.

Timer & Trackers

Keep track of the time you spent on a project, the number of rows & stitches you knit or crochet...

In order to start using Row Counter Web, just follow the link below and create an account.
We have also developed a Mobile App version of Row Counter. You can download our iOS Row Counter App or our  Android Row Counter App, and Use Row Counter on your mobile devices as well!

Knitting & Crocheting Tools

Unit Converter

Convert your pattern measurements & instructions from inches, meters, yards...

Yarn Converter

Convert the estimated yarn quantity from grams, to yards or meters

Needle / Wool Size

Convert your needles size and yarn weight from UK/US sizes to metric sizes

Swatch Adapter

Calculate how to adapt your pattern instructions according to your swatch details

Try it now!

Create an account and start using
the Best Row Counter on the market from your browser

Do you want to use Row Counter on your Mobile ? With have developed a Row Counter App for IOS and Android. With a single account, you can use Row counter on your desktop, but also on your phone and Tablet. Give it a try!